Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Sun is shining inside and outside :-D

Tuesday and i finally found out how to get the video on youtube, so here is a link to a minute of Paula's lesson.

Felix is a great horse, and we for sure will have loads of fun.

Today i am gonna ride Dondie, Phx, Hugs, Guiness, Soxy, Lennox and Merlin to, so Felix has to wait until later today, but always fun to have something to look forward to :-)

Gonna be fun to start Dondie, and see how long time she needs before she look like a bodybuilder, she is so fun.
I am lucky and i am so grateful i am allowed to do this every day. Who could ever ask for more?

Take care and enjoy, you are your own creator of your own happiness. So make the best of it!!!!

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